
The Governor of East Kalimantan Appreciates KPC as a Tax Compliance Company

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)’s contribution to the State in the form of tax payments has again received government appreciation.  This time it was given by East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor, to coincide with the 63rd anniversary of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, in 2020.

The awarding of the trophy and charter was carried out on the 2020 Kaltim Award Night in Samarinda, Thursday (9/1/2020).  The award was given by the Acting Assistant I, the Government of East Kalimantan Setprov Jauhar Effendi, who was received by the Manager of External Relations Yordhen Ampung.

Before receiving an award as a tax compliance company, last November, KPC was named the highest non-tax state revenue earner with a value of Rp 6.5 trillion.  The award was given by the Indonesian Mining Association (IMA), in the presence of Indonesian President Joko Widodo, at the 2019 Indonesian Mining Award.

Aside from being a tax-obedient company and the highest PNBP depositor, KPC is also known as the best foreign exchange earner.  That is because KPC ensures that all foreign exchange export proceeds are received at domestic foreign exchange banks and reported in accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulations.  The export proceeds contributed to the nation’s economy. (*)