Vendor Center
Potential supplier/contractor to register in KPC Website
By this year, KPC targeted its operation to about 60 Mtpa and will gradually increase its production in the near future. Therefore, KPC invites all potential supplier/contractor to register its company data by submitting thru this website. KPC may invite nominated contact person (as submitted by potential supplier/contractor) and involve Your participation in the future tender of similar commodity.
In order to fulfill requirement of its operation, KPC invites participation of all legal company to provide goods and/or services as required by KPC attached in this website. For further process, please kindly contact email of Person In Charge of each tender.
Prior filling the document, potential supplier or contractor are strongly suggest to read and understood KPC Supplier and Contractor Code of Conduct as attached on this page. This Code of Conduct governs the principal, value, and behavior standard in respect of decision making, procedure, and operational system that must be applied to all supplier and contractor’s personnel prior conducting business with KPC.
Please download the following form :