
KPC Assisted Laying Hen Farmer Donated Eggs to Covid 19 Medical Team

Donation for the Covid 19 medical team continues to flow from the people of East Kutai.  This time it came from KPC assited laying hen farmer, Sangatta Laying Hen Business Association (As-UTAPS).

Today, Monday (4/13/2020), the 14-member association, visited the Kudungga Regional Hospital, brought along 1,800 eggs, to be donated to the medical team that handled Covid 19 patients.

“We as an association of laying hens feel compelled to give a little contribution that we can do. Hopefully it can be useful for the medical team as the front guard in the war against corona in East Kutai,” said Sakius Rexy, Chairperson of As-UTAPS, at Kudungga District Hospital on Monday.  (4/13/2020).

KPC Community Empowerment Manager Yuliana Datubua said, As-UTAPS is a forum for KPC-assisted laying hen farmers, the results of the development of the Pit J Post Mining Laying Hen Program. “They are the result groups of the Pit J Post Mining Laying Hen Program. Yes, this is a kind of replication of Pit J program in the community, ” Yuli said.

Sugeng Wiyatno, Superintendent of Post Mining KPC added, since 2015, KPC made a replication of the Pit J chicken program, by providing community assistance, business capacity building and infrastructure facilities assistance.  In this assistance package, including the provision of stimulus 4 thousand laying hens (pullet) to members of the association.

“The transaction value of the 14 members of this group has reached Rp 7.1 billion.  The value of this transaction is achieved from the seriousness of the accompanying team and association members.  We continue to strive so that the value of the benefits of the KPC CSR program continues to increase, “said Sugeng. (*)