
The Largest PNBP (Non-Tax Revenue) Contribution to the State, KPC Wins Subroto Award 2021


 PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) again won the 2021 Subroto Award, which is the highest award in the field of energy and mineral resources, which is given to stakeholders who have played an active role in developing the energy and mineral sector in the past year.

This award was given by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). KPC won two awards at once, namely in the field of energy efficiency and mandatory payment with the largest Non-Tax Revenue (PNBP) contribution for PKP2B.

These two awards have been received by KPC at the virtual Subroto award ceremony, Tuesday (28/9/2021). The award was handed over directly by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif and received by Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ido Hotna Hutabarat.

Ido Hotna Hutabarat after receiving the award expressed his gratitude for the selection of KPC as one of the companies that won the 2021 Subroto Award. Ido further said that the Subroto Award is proof that KPC has a high commitment to energy efficiency and always complies with paying financial obligations to the state.

“Thank you to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for the 2021 Subroto Award. This award shows that KPC continues to have a high commitment to energy efficiency and is always obedient in paying PNBP to the state,” said Ido.

Ido further added that apart from the company’s commitment, KPC also achieved the Subroto award due to the support of the Regional Government and the community. “Apart from being a proof of KPC’s commitment, this Subroto award was also achieved due to the support of the Government and the people of Kalimantan Timur, especially Kutai Timur. We really appreciate and thank you for your support,” said Ido.

The 2021 Subroto Award is the fourth award since it was held in 2017. This award is also held to welcome the 76th Mining and Energy Day, 2021. In addition, it is a form of respect for Professor Subroto, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in 1978-1988. Professor Subroto is considered a teacher and the foundation stone of energy and mineral development in Indonesia.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif on the occasion of conferring the Subroto award expressed the contribution of the ESDM sector in national development. “From year to year, the ESDM sector has an important role in the national economy and improves people’s welfare,” said Tasrif.

Tasrif further said that the large contribution of the ESDM sector was shown in state revenues until July 2021, which reached Rp. 141 trillion. This revenue figure is 103 percent higher than the same period last year.

Meanwhile, ESDM investment has reached US$12.3 billion. “In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is getting under control, the performance of the ESDM sector is getting up and showing improvement,” said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif. (*)