
In Ramadan, KPC Distributes 2000 Food Packages

During Ramadan 1442 H, PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) KPC visits and at the same time shares blessings with the community around the company’s operational area. The form of blessing was distributed in the form of 2000 basic food packages, containing basic necessities during Eid.

General Manager of External Affairs and Sustainable Development (ESD) KPC Wawan Setiawan said, basic necessities were given to orphanages, Islamic boarding schools, cleaning workers, orphans, elderly people and a number of other underprivileged residents.

Wawan said, as a good neighbor, KPC wanted to share blessings in the month of Ramadan 1442H. Moreover, according to Wawan, the holy month of Ramadan this time is heavier because it is still covered by the Covid-19 Pandemic, in which economic activity has not fully recovered.

Wawan hopes that the food packages recipients can go through this Ramadan with great joy. “As good neighbors, we want to share the joys of this blessed month. Moreover, the situation is still the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully people will pass this Ramadan with joy.” said Wawan.

M. Sadat, a Sangatta community leader, who is also the Chairperson of the Kutai Indigenous Youth Association, Kutai Timur Regency, expressed his gratitude to KPC for the food packages provided. “We would like to thank KPC for helping us. Even though the amount we asked for was only half of it, this is quite helpful.“ said Sadat.

Sadat further said that he and the administrators of the Kutai Indigenous Youth Association would distribute the food packages to economically disadvantaged residents. “We will distribute these basic food packages to elders and the poor and our residents who can no longer work,” said Sadat.

Ahmad Fauzi, Executive of the Jam’iyyah Majelisil Ilmi (Jamil) Assembly Forum for the Kutai Timur Regency, admitted that he was happy to get KPC’s attention in the form of basic food packages. “Thank you to KPC who has helped us this month of Ramadan. We will distribute these basic food packages to those entitled in North and South Sangatta, “said Fauzi, Monday (3/5/2021).

According to Fauzi, the basic food packages recipients who have been recorded through Jamil are orphans in East Kutai. However, the food packages from KPC will be focused on orphans in North and South Sangatta. “The total number of orphans in North and South Sangatta that we have collected three months ago is 500 children. We will focus on them first, “said Fauzi.

Deputy Regent of Kutai Timur, Dr. H. Kasmidi Bulang ST MM, expressed his appreciation for the food packages given by KPC to the people of Kutai Timur. “I would like to express my gratitude to KPC, which continues to pay attention to the surrounding community. Hopefully the synergy between KPC, the government and the community will continue to be maintained in Kutai Timur Regency, “said Kasmidi, Wednesday (28/4/2021), during the distribution of food packages to a number of orphanages and Islamic boarding schools together with the East Kutai Journalists Alliance Management. (*)