
KPC Wins Indonesia Public Relations Award 2020 The Popular Category Mining Company for Inform Activity Strategy

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) was again awarded the National level award.  This time it was given by PR Indonesia Magazine, at an annual event titled Indonesia Public Relations Award (IPRA) 2020.

At the event aimed at giving an appreciation of the role and function of Public Relations in sustaining a company, KPC was given an award in the category of Popular Mining Company for Inform Activity Strategy.  This award announcement was made live last Sunday in Instagram.

Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief of Warta Ekonomi Group, Muhamad Ihsan in a press release to the media stated that the evaluation aspect of this award was news about the company or institution being assessed, for the past six months.  While the method is through independent research on online reporting.

“This award will be based on an in-depth research process through several methods. One of them is content analysis media to be able to see further the contents of a text and various news related to the company concerned,” said Muhamad Ihsan.

“The analysis process of monitoring media aims to understand the meaning structure of a news text which can then show positive sentiments, negative sentiments, and neutral sentiments. More positive sentiments arising from the news show good public relations performance, so as to produce output in the form of a corporate good image in the community, “added Muhamad Ihsan.

Wawan Setiawan, KPC GM External Affairs and Sustainable Development (ESD), admitted that he was quite surprised by the award from the Public Relations (PR) community.  The reason is that KPC has never registered to be assessed at the IPRA 2020 event. “I was surprised by this award, because I never volunteered to be assessed. This means that the assessment is very independent and purely from objective research results,” said Wawan.

Wawan further added, the award also proved that KPC has conducted strategic communication to stakeholders openly and received positive responses.

Manager of External Relations, Yordhen Ampung, said, if what was assessed was the distribution of positive news in the media in the last six months, then the award to KPC was quite reasonable.  Yordhen detailed, in the last six months, the number of news about KPC was 430.

The majority of the news has a positive tone, with the media loading it in online media, daily newspapers, magazines, television, and FM radio.  “From the news, 415 (96.5%) were positive, 5 (1.2%) were negative, and 10 (2.3%) were neutral,” said Yordhen.

At IPRA 2020, the committee assessed the company’s image in various industries, including agribusiness, life insurance, general insurance, consumer goods, retail, energy, pharmaceuticals, property & construction, oil and gas, financing, banking, mining, telecommunications, agritech, and  information technology. (*)