Commemorate May Day 2020 KPC Workers Gather Funds to Assist Covid-19 Victims

The May Day action which is identical to the workers’ demonstration, was celebrated differently this year at PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), Sangatta, East Kutai, East Kalimantan.  This time the workers held a fundraising action from all KPC employees.  As a result, Rp. 354.5 million was donated by employees to help the community members affected by Covid-19.

In addition to the Trade Unions / Workers’ Union, the same action was also carried out by teachers and employees in the KPC school environment, the Yayasan Pendidikan Prima Swarga Bara (YPPSB).  These teachers managed to raise funds as much as Rp. 60 million.  So that the total funds collected in this fundraising amount to Rp 414.5 million.

KPC Wawan Setiawan, GM of External Affairs and Sustainable Development (ESD), said the collected funds would be distributed to the victims of Covid-19 Pandemic  in North Sangatta, South Sangatta, Bengalon and Rantau Pulung.  “Our priorities are those who are directly affected by Covid-19 Pandemic. Such as barber, fried food sellers in schools, masseurs, snack sellers, Koran teachers, public transportation drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers and others. There are 12 categories that we have mapped,” said  Wawan

Chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Workers’ Fraternity (PPMI) Muhammad Jumhar said the fundraising action was a form of labor solidarity for fellow citizens affected by Covid-19 Pandemic.  Jumhar invites all parties to have the same concerns, so that no citizen must starve because of Covid-19 Pandemic. (*)