
KPC once again sent a team to help Bengkulu flood victims

The Rescue Team of PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) was again deployed to the National disaster site. This time the mission is to rescue flash flood victims, which hit Bengkulu Province, last April.

The team consists of five people, consisting of three rescue members, one doctor and one medical person. They are Noldy Tambayong (Team Coordinator), M Tri Suhendro (Doctor), Jay Jay Cristo Ruben (Medical), Indra Kurniawan (Rescue) and Kaharuddin Jafar (Rescue). They went straight to Bengkulu Tengah Regency, which was the most severe area, which had the highest number of casualties and refugees.

The focus of the KPC Rescue Team’s activities in Bengkulu was post-flood recovery, in the form of mass medical activities. For two days at the flood site, the team managed to treat 242 patients, consisting of children, adults and the elderly.

The first activity on Friday (3/5), the team held a treatment at the Evacuation Post in Tabah Penyengat Village and Talang Panjang Village, Bang Haji District, Bengkulu Tengah Regency. The next day, the team held a treatment at the Evacuation Post of Pagar Dewa Village and Kembang Ayun Village, Pondok Kelapa District, Bengkulu Tengah Regency.

Wawan Setiawan, GM External Affairs and Sustainable Development (ESD) said that the delivery of the Rescue Team was a form of concern for our brothers and sisters who were affected by the disaster in Bengkulu. “This is a form of concern for fellow affected people. We want to provide support and help ease their burdens, “said Wawan.

Wawan said, KPC Rescue Team was always deployed in various disaster locations, such as the Central Sulawesi earthquake, Lombok earthquake, Aceh, Sumatra, West Java, Yogyakarta and various other regions. According to Wawan, this was in accordance with one of KPC’s basic values, namely concern. “This is part of the application of the basic values ​​of KPC, namely concern. We care about others according to the tagline more than mining, “said Wawan.

Data released by the Head of BNPB’s Center for Data, Information and Public Relations on May 1, 2019 showed that there were 30 people died and six others missing, due to the flood in Bengkulu. The highest death toll occurred in Bengkulu Tengah Regency, with a total of 24 people, while Bengkulu City three people and Kepahiang three people.

Floods and landslides also caused damage in several sectors such as settlement, education, fisheries, livestock, agriculture, plantations and other public infrastructure. (*)