
KPC-PLN Agreed to Use 18MW Excess Power

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) and State Owned Electricity Company (PLN) agreed to use 18 Megawatt excess powers from Tanjung Bara Power Plant. The Agreement was contained in the sale and purchase agreement of excess power, in December 2017.

With the presence of the agreement, the power flow in Kutai Timur currently sourced from KPC Tanjung Bara Power Plant. PLN also admitted that its company able to save the operation costs with the presence of KPC Power Plant.

The inauguration of the electricity use from KPC excess power was conducted on March 8th, 2018 by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource, Ignasius Jonan. “This is a good CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The impact could be directly felt by the community. Usually, CSR program is small and quickly runs out. But as long as KPC operates, the electricity remains continue,” said Jonan.

The distribution of excess power is a called a good CSR program because according to Jonan, KPC selling price to PLN is below the normal price in effect. “The selling price does not include some components which was should be accounted. So that PLN could sell to the community with more affordable price,” said Jonan.

Jonan moreover said, what KPC has done gave him idea that other large scale mining company should build its own power plant and 30 percent of the power is distributed to community. “What KPC had done, give me an idea that other big companies should build their own power plant and 30 percent of the power should be distributed to community through PLN,” Jonan added. (*)