
KPC Donates 40 Cows for Eid al-Adha Celebration

Donating cows as sacrificial animal for Eid al-Adha celebration is one of PT. Kaltim Prima Coal annual tradition. Coal mining company that operates in Sangatta and Bengalon, distributed 40 cows as a form of gratitude and to develop the spirit of sharing for the community.

Eid al-Adha 1439 Hijriah sacrificial cows are distributed in the area around KPC mining operation and various areas where KPC has offices. The areas are Kutai Timur, Samarinda, Balikpapan, and Jakarta.

Sangatta Utara District was given 15 cows, Sangatta Selatan was 3 cows, Bengalon was 11 cows, and Rantau Pulung was 4 cows. Moreover, Samarinda area was given 4 cows, Balikpapan was 2 cows and 1 cow for stakeholder in Jakarta area. The distribution has been conducted since Monday-Tuesday (20/21/8)

KPC Manager External Relation, Yordhen Ampung, said that the sacrificial cows were distributed to various institutions and community groups. This is so that the distribution of the meat from sacrificial cows could reach more people in need.(*)