
Human Rights Socialization in the Work Place

The commemoration of World Human Rights Day (HAM) is still a long way off, which is on December 10th, 2020.  However, the essence of human rights is certainly not only on the anniversary, but in its application in everyday life, including its practice in the work place.

 For this reason, KPC management again held human rights socialization, to employees in the company’s work place.  Socialization will be held in all work units, including to contractors under company supervision.

 “We want to make sure that all KPC employees and contractors understand the human rights aspects in their scope of work.  This is important so that human rights values ​​become the spirit of employees, in accordance with the six aspects of human rights established by KPC, “said GM ESD Wawan Setiawan, Thursday (13/8).

 The six aspects of human rights that are used as guidelines for KPC, according to Wawan, concern the prohibition of child labor in the company environment and its business chain, encouraging business partners and the supply chain to comply with human rights commitments and ensuring the protection of workers in the company environment.

 According to Wawan, the protection of workers includes health and safety conditions of employees, guarantees of freedom of association, creating safe working conditions and free of discrimination.

 Other human rights values ​​are in the form of implementing a corporate code of ethics in corporate management and governance as an implementation of anti-corruption commitments, using security forces that are free from all forms of threats or violence in the workplace, and avoiding adverse impacts on the surrounding community to create a healthy society.

 “These human rights values ​​have been stated in many regulations at KPC.  Well, this socialization is to remind employees and contractors who work under the responsibility of each related department, “said Wawan.

 One of the work units that have held the socialization is the Community Empowerment (CE) Department, KPC’s External Affairs and Sustainable Development (ESD) Division.  The socialization was held on Wednesday (12/8), at Wisma Rayah KPC. (*)