
Saptari Hoedaja Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2020

President Director of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) Saptari Hoedaja, won the Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2020 award. The award was from the National Committee on Governance Policy (KNKG), Indonesian CSR Society and Top Business Magazine, August 2020.

Apart from winning the Top Leader on the 2020 CSR Commitment, KPC’s parent company, PT Bumi Resources Tbk, also won 4 Stars for the company in TOP CSR Award 2020. “I feel proud and much honored to receive this CSR award.  This award is a proof of our commitment to implementing good CSR practices,”said Saptari Hoedaja, President Director of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), through a press release received by the media.

Furthermore, according to Saptari, BUMI is a world-class company known for its superior GSG and CSR credentials.  What he has achieved now is none other than proof of the company’s commitment to realizing sustainable CSR programs and good and transparent GCG implementation.

In addition, the CEO of KPC added that the company also excels in improving the quality of the environment and provides positive benefits for the community and supports the central and regional governments.

BUMI itself, according to Saptari Hoedaja, prioritizes the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in accordance with the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.59 of 2017, concerning the Implementation of Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Based on BUMI’s press release, the assessment in the 2020 TOP CSR Awards includes 3 main aspects, namely Compliance with the ISO 26000 Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility (TJSP), Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Alignment of Corporate CSR Programs with business strategies and company competitiveness.

This prestigious award is given to companies that carry out the CSR program, the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL), and Community Development in an effective and quality manner with a total of 120 finalists from 200 companies including State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Regional State Owned Enterprises (BUMD), public and private companies. (*)