77 East Kutai People Receive KPC Scholarships

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) again provided scholarships to the East Kutai community, to continue their studies at Diploma Three (D3), Undergraduate (S1), Undergraduate (S2) and Strata (S3) levels.

This year, the number of recipients reached 77 people, with details of D3 / S1 as many as 50 people, S2 as many as 25 people and doctoral level (S3) as many as two people.

The handover event was held at the Hall of SMAN 2 Sangatta Utara, attended by Acting. Head of Education Office DR Roma Malao SE, MM, GM ESD KPC Wawawan Setiawan, GM HR Khudori, Acting Manager Community Empowerment Yuliana Datubua and scholarship recipients and their parents.

Wawan Setiawan in his speech said that the scholarship program was one of KPC’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs from seven priority programs for community empowerment. Through this program, Wawan hopes that the future generations of East Kutai will be better and better so that East Kutai’s competitiveness will improve.

While Roma Malau in his remarks appreciated KPC’s CSR program which incessantly provided support for East Kutai education. “There have been very many educational assistance programs provided by KPC to the East Kutai community. I express my gratitude, hopefully I can improve the quality of education in East Kutai, “said Rome.

Ayub, SE, M.Sc., one of the recipients of the S3 program scholarship, admitted that his motivation had increased after receiving the KPC scholarship. Because according to him, only this time the residents of East Kutai Dayak have received doctoral level education and immediately received a S3 scholarship from KPC.

“I am a Dayak Busang resident from the farthest interior of East Kutai. So far, there are no East Kutai Dayak residents continuing their S3 education. If I am from the interior, I can get a doctor level education, especially all of you who are big in the city. I want to provide motivation, hopefully my other children will follow it, “Ayub said vehemently.

Job specifically expressed his appreciation to KPC for the CSR program that he considered extraordinary. “Thank you and high appreciation to KPC for this CSR program in the field of education. This is a long-term social investment. Because East Kutai needs good human resources for development,” said Ayub.

Until now, KPC has provided 3,193 scholarships to the East Kutai community. The scholarship program is one of the CSR programs in education. The aim is to improve the human resources of the people of East Kutai, so that regional competitiveness will be better in the future. (*)