
KPC Donates 2000 Rapid Test Packs

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) once again assisted the East Kutai Regency government, by donating 2000 Covid-19 rapid test equipment on Thursday (11/06/2020).  The assistance was the second phase of 8,000 rapid test units which are the company’s commitment.

The handover was carried out by GM External Affairs and Sustainable Development (ESD) KPC Wawan Setiawan and was received directly by the East Kutai Regent, who was also the Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling, Ir H Ismunandar MT, at the East Kutai Regent’s Office, Bukit Pelangi Complex, Sangatta, Thursday (11/06/2020).

On that occasion, Regent Ismunandar expressed his appreciation and thanks to KPC who continued to provide support for the handling of Covid-19 in East Kutai.  “On behalf of the East Kutai government and Chair of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, I thank KPC for the assistance of 2,000 of these new Rapid Test equipments,” Ismunandar said.

Furthermore according to Ismunadar, the new rapid test will be focused on providing free services to the people who are most at risk of contracting Covid-19.  “We will provide free services to the community, we will later do it in the Town Hall area”, said the Regent.

Ismunandar also submitted a report that, part of the 2,000 KPC rapid test equipment in the first phase, had been used to inspect sellers in the South Sangatta, North Sangatta, and Teluk Lingga markets.  “A portion of the past 2,000 has been used to conduct rapid in markets, such as South Sangatta, North Sangatta and Teluk Lingga.  So the community will feel safe, “said Ismunadar.

GM ESD Wawan Setiawan on the handover said that he hoped that the identification of the distribution of Covid-19 in East Kutai could be faster and more focused, so that the public did not have to worry about welcoming new normal.

“Facing this new normal, we hope the test can be more massive so the community will feel safe.  And later, from the 2,000 rapid test packs, as many as 200 will be used to conduct rapid test on sellers in the Town Hall area, “said Wawan.

Wawan further stated that the rapid test assistance this time was the second phase of 8,000 units from KPC’s commitment.  The assistance was given in stages according to the needs in the field and followed the technical procurement at KPC.

In addition to 8,000 free rapid test kits, KPC also provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) assistance to the medical team and assistance in handling Covid-19 facilities, as well as basic food assistance for Covid-19 affected residents in the districts of North Sangatta, South Sangatta, Bengalon, and Rantau Pulung.  These various KPC supports are a manifestation of the company’s vision, namely as a leading Indonesian coal producer, who wants to provide optimal value for all stakeholders. (*)